Let's Get E-invoicing Ready Together

Download our Free eBook and learn everything you need to know to become e-invoicing ready.


As some of you may be aware, e-invoicing is here to stay and if you were not aware, the Prime Minister delivered his Digital Business Plan to drive Australia's economic recovery (Sep 20) to include:
$3.6 million towards mandating the adoption of electronic invoicing by 1 July 2022 for all Commonwealth government agencies to encourage greater adoption amongst businesses supplying to government and within their supply chains, and to consult on options for mandatory adoption of e-invoicing by businesses;
Here at LUCA Plus we're here to help you get ready for e-invoicing.
Find out what the ATO says about e-invoicing in Australia, learn how to avoid online scams and unnecessary costs associated with invoicing – and learn about e-invoicing in action through our case study.
Become e-invoicing ready, sooner, simply fill out the form and download your Free e-invoicing eBook today.
We're looking forward to taking you on your e-invoicing journey with LUCA Plus.

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Let's get ready for e-invoicing together

Missed the recent LUCA Plus webinar with the ATO?

See what the ATO’s, Mark Stockwell and LUCA Plus’, Ray Wang had to say about the future of e-invoicing in Australia.

Watch a preview of their presentations here
Mark Stockwell

Head of Australian PEPPOL Authority and
e-invoicing at the Australian Taxation Office

Leading implementation of Trans-Tasman e-invoicing initiative including necessary infrastructure (DCL). Collaborating with New Zealand and the Business communities. Chair of the Trans-Tasman e-invoicing Working Group.

Ray Wang

CEO & Founder
at LUCA Plus

As a professional accountant, Ray Wang is Co-Founder/CEO of Luca Plus. Ray has experience in both commercial and public accounting industries including in Top 500 companies, other businesses and taxation accounting firms. Ray was part of a focus group on Fintech Digital transformation in Australia run by CPA (a CPA member himself).

E-invoicing is here to stay!

Learn everything you need to know to become e-invoicing ready. Download your FREE e-invoicing eBook to find out how.